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The build up to The Astronomy Photographer of the Year...

When I captured the photograph that went on to be remembered as "The Enigma of the North", never did I believe it would be recognised for such a prestigious photography competition, I never thought I would pick up a camera again...

When finding out earlier this year from an email sent to my spam folder, never did I think my image of Callanish would make it to the Skyscapes Category of 1 in 15 images for the shortlisted category, and the 140 shortlisted images from over 4,000 submissions!! When fact became reality, I really was lost for words. But this was only the beginning...

"The Enigma of the North" shortlisted for The Astornomy Photographer of the Year Competition in The Skyscapes Category.

The link to the Royal Observatory Greenwich Website featuring my shortlisted image can be found here:

Not only did the news hit my local newspapers, it reached Bristol, then ITV news, BBC One and then news travelled as far as where this all started. Callanish itself.

I couldn't believe the recognition this image was given. I owe a lot to it, because if it wasn't for that moment at Callanish; braving my camera one final time, I wouldn't be here writing this and having the confidence to carry on.

"The Enigma of the North" tells of a very emotional experience, to capture the image and the journey it has taken me on to rebuild myself as a recognised Astrophotographer in the field. The highlight for me has to be when summoned to BBC Broadcasting House in Bristol for my interview on BBC Points West. Something I have always wished to achieve and to voice this to the South-West really was a privilege.

Josh on the Red Sofa with BBC Points West Presenter, David Garmston discussing his shortlisted image for the competition. Aired 14th September 2023.

Check out the interview with BBC Points West below. On the 26th September, I have been invited to a private viewing of the event by The Royal Observatory of Greenwich, where I will be given a physical copy of the year's publication including my image alongside being featured in a podcast! So watch this space!

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